Daniella Desabato


Hi, my name is Dani and I am a passionate online fitness coach! I specialize in helping women of all different ages and starting points to create an overall better version of themselves through health and fitness.

My personal journey started about 9 years ago when I first stepped into a gym. I had no idea what I was doing, but I was determined to learn and create a better version of myself.

At the time, my biggest insecurity was my lack of glutes. I grew up very skinny, and struggled in my journey to gain weight. After doing my own research, trial and error, and a lot of failures, I finally put on the lean muscle I dreamed of.

In 2020, I got sick and lost all of the muscle I had worked so hard to gain. I lost about 20lbs in a year. In my mind, I was right back where I started.

Now, it would’ve been easy to just give up at that point. But I knew if I did, I would have this gaping hole inside of me that I refused to live with.

I got back in the gym, focused on my nutrition again, and now I’ve dedicated my life to helping other women get past their obstacles and doubts to achieve their fitness goals.

I share this with you because we all start somewhere, and we all hit a wall at some point. But that doesn’t matter. What matters is how you handle it and persevere to do what you set yourself out to do.

Mindset is everything when you have a goal you are trying to reach.

I intend to motivate, inspire, and guide you on your fitness journey. My programming and nutrition will remove the overthinking out of your routine and get you started in the best way. Working together is going to get you in a great position to reach your goals, hold you accountable to those goals, and create a healthy lifestyle that will sustain you for the rest of your life.

Whether your goals include fat loss, muscle gain, better physical movement, or overall health and wellness, I intend to get you there. Stop making excuses. No more fear. Let’s do this together!